Ms. Murphy

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Ms. Murphy

University Learning

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University Learning - Year 1

"Lava Land" STEM activity

Me and my group ran this activity with grades 1-2 at a Science/Math fair at a local elementry school

The activity involved giving the groups a set number of materials (cups, que cards, pipe cleaners, small cups, and popsicle sticks) and having them build a structure that would save the toy dinosaurs from the “lava” that was on the ground.

The students had many different strategies to complete the activity. Some students grasped the concept immediately and started building a structure with their materials, while others were not sure at first how to approach. When students were unsure how to approach the activity, I would ask questions like “how could you connect these two cups together?” The students would then place either popsicle sticks or que cards to connect the cups and realize that they had created a bridge that their dinosaurs could stand on.


University Learning - Year 1

Black out Poetry

Black out Poetry is a great activity to incorporate into a poetry unit in Language! If some students struggle to find the right words to use this activity allows them to use someone else's! Students simply circle and isolate certain words that either relate to a common theme or make a poem when strung together. Students can then black out all the other words and draw on their page.  


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University Learning - Year 1

Spaghetti and Marshmallow STEM Challenge

This challenge is a great way to have students explore structures! Find out more about the challenge here: Spaghetti and Marshmallow Challenge  

I love this activity because it can be adapted to many primary and junior grades. You can also do this activity with straws and pompoms if you are not able to use food :)  

University Learning - Year 1

"Hungry Hungry Humans"

With the help of 3 teammates I facilitated a gym activity for the rest of the class. The game is called Hungry Hungry Humans and it is an adaptation of the gym game Hungry Hungry Hippos. The game teaches students about the Canadian Food Guide in a fun and engaging way!

Divide the class into teams of two - each group will have one “human” and one “guide”. The “human” will lay on their stomach on the scooter while the “guide” will hold their legs/ankles up off of the ground. On the signal (music begins), ‘chef’ (leader) will call out a food group and the associated ball colour for the ‘hungry hungry students’ to collect. The “guide” will push the “human” out onto the floor towards the center circle. When the “hippo” reaches the circle, they extend their arms out to scoop as many balls of that colour as they can. The “guide” will bring the “human” back to their “plate” (hula hoop) to deliver their balls.  If a “human” loses a ball, they must leave it, they cannot go back and get it nor can the “guide” pick it up. When the round ends (when the music ends – after approximately 1 minute) each pair will count the number of balls they were able to bring back to their “plate” hula hoop. If time expires while they are out on the floor with items, they must leave those items where they are. Items only count if they are inside the hoop when time expires. The “human” and “guide” will then switch out places for the next round.


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University Learning - Year 2

Junior Division Arts/ Language Arts Class

Some highlights from this class:

⭐ Collaborative Drama and Dance learning day with grade 9 students from a local high school

⭐ Learning about the importance of using comic books in the classroom

⭐ Creating "Altered Journals" to document our learning

⭐ Creating my own children's story



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University Learning - Year 2

Junior Division Social Studies / HPE Class

Some highlights from this class:

⭐ Facilitating an SEL activity - Music, Emotions and Drawing

⭐ Creating a Grade 4 Social Studies unit plan

⭐ Learning variations to common games (volleyball)

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University Learning - Year 2

Creating Healthy, Safe, & Supportive Learning Environments

⭐ Inquiry into the familiar project - Reward Systems

⭐ Circling in the classroom

⭐ Classroom "norms"

⭐ Responding to harm  

⭐ Comfort Zone vs Challenge Zone vs Crisis Zone


University Learning- Year 2

Assessment Toolkit

In this assignment we had to creat a toolkit of several different assessments we can use in our future classrooms along with their benefits. Here is the link to mine:

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Year 2

End of Year Gala

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